These new capabilities allow EarthRanger users to create, schedule and manage patrols to make the most efficient use of their resources, whether that’s anti-poaching security operations or conducting wildlife surveys. For these protected areas, staying ahead of potential threats like poaching is key. By adding patrol management capabilities within EarthRanger, protected areas can improve operations and identify potential gaps in security with real-time awareness and visibility of ranger activity.
“EarthRanger users have requested a patrol management capability, so we’re excited to be able to offer it as a core capability,” said Jes Lefcourt, product manager of EarthRanger. “Our mission is to provide a real-time view of the current status of a protected area to those who protect it. I want to share my special thanks to Wes Gold and Alina Peter of Grumeti Fund for underscoring its importance and helping us design this solution to maximize its effectiveness.”
The anti-poaching and law enforcement teams at Grumeti Fund, responsible for protecting 350,000 acres of the Serengeti ecosystem, need to maximize their patrol resources wherever possible. Monitoring this area and being able to quickly respond is essential, especially for protecting critically endangered animals like the eastern black rhino. Combining the power of this new technology with well-trained rangers on the ground, Grumeti Fund combats threats including wildlife poaching, wildfires and preventing human-wildlife conflict.
“This new capability will enable us to correctly measure and record patrol efforts in relation to the amount of illegal activity within the Protected Area," said Alina Peter, a operations room coordinator at Grumeti Fund. "It will also assist in justifying the use of and need for various resources, as well as set targets to meet different conservation priorities.”

The key enhancements the new patrol management capabilities allow operational teams to:
- Create, schedule, and manage ranger patrols within EarthRanger
- Easily capture reports and incidents from rangers associated with a patrol
- Visualize patrol routes in real-time on the EarthRanger map
- Report key patrol metrics such as a ranger’s time on patrol and distance travelled
- Leverage other EarthRanger features like the heat map and time slider to analyze data
How to get started
EarthRanger users who are interested in enabling patrol management, can reach out to to get set up with the patrol management and schedule an optional training. More information and instructions are available in the EarthRanger user guide.