In our ongoing effort to help protected area managers, EarthRanger has joined forces with the mobile application CyberTracker, which enables in-field staff and rangers to enter data directly into EarthRanger using a mobile device. This integration allows users in the field to quickly enter report information such as key species sightings, snare locations, poaching incidents, and other data into CyberTracker and automatically upload them into the EarthRanger platform.
Over the coming months EarthRanger and CyberTracker will continue to partner on new features to enhance users ability to capture and visualize in-field data. Our hope is this will benefit the broader conservation technology community, including all users of EarthRanger, CyberTracker and Smart Mobile as well.
“We are excited to have a path for CyberTracker users to integrate with EarthRanger, the leading modern real-time wildlife monitoring system, said Justin Steventon, co-founder and lead software developer for CyberTracker. “We look forward to a long-term collaboration with many powerful and useful features.”
The Amakhala Game Reserve located in South Africa are the keepers of 80 square kilometers of land, over 50 mammal species, 230 plant and tree species and neighboring communities. A key mission at Amakhala is the protection and preservation of the wildlife and natural landscape. The Security and Anti-poaching Department has been using EarthRanger and CyberTracker as part of their security and anti-poaching efforts.
“We’ve found CyberTracker and EarthRanger to be incredibly user-friendly with a really aesthetically pleasing interface,” said Dr. Lisa Graham, an ecologist at Amakhala. “The rangers have taken to using them and we're now getting live information straight from the field, which is incredibly valuable for our day-to-day operations."

How it works
Connecting CyberTracker to an EarthRanger account does not require any set up and once downloaded, CyberTracker will be automatically configured to match each user’s data model. If users do not have internet connection, then the data is stored on a mobile device and uploaded to EarthRanger once a connection is available.
For any questions or product assistance, you can reach out to
How to get started
CyberTracker is supported on both Android and iOS devices and is available for download from Google Play or the Apple Store.